Cold synonyms
What is another word for Cold? Synonyms for Cold
bitter | chilled | algid | brisk | crisp |
freezing | intense | bleak | wintry | frosty |
iced | cutting | stinging | biting | keen |
raw | cool | sharp | chill | frigid |
nippy | numbed | Siberian | bone-chilling | icebox |
arctic | frozen | hiemal | snowy | icy |
penetrating | one-dog night | glacial | rimy | below freezing |
severe | below zero | piercing | blasting | nipping |
benumbed | polar | harsh | ice-cold | gelid |
numbing | frore | inclement | brumal | boreal |
sleety | coolish | have goose bumps | desolate | dismal |
coldish | shivery | hibernal | hawkish | snappy |
How would you describe cold weather? Words Describing Cold Weather
icy: very cold. low or subnormal temperature
biting: so cold that it causes discomfort
crisp: dry and cold
brisk: when a fairly sharp, strong, and cold wind is blowing
raw: disagreeably cold and damp
harsh: extremely cold and bitter
snowy: covered with snow
Cold Synonyms : Common Cold Synonym
Chilly Synonyms
Freezing Synonyms
Synonyms for Cold : Other Words Related to Cold
- blue
- dejected
- depressed
- droopy
- hangdog
- inconsolable
- desperate
- low
- melancholic
- despondent
- melancholy
- down
- mirthless
- sad
- unhappy
- woebegone
- woeful
- discomfiting
- hopeless
- pessimistic
- lamentable
- dismaying
- grim
- lowering
- dispiriting
- distressful
- upsetting
- negative
- discouraging
- mournful
- dim
- plaintive
- sorrowful
- colorless
- drab
- dull
- dour
- lowery
- disheartening
- menacing
- distressing
- oppressive
- threatening
Antonyms for Cold
- ardent
- warming
- sweltering
- blazing
- broiling
- ultrahot
- scorching
- burning
- fiery
- hot
- igneous
- molten
- piping hot
- searing
- boiling
- red-hot
- roasting
- scalding
- igneous
- seething
- fervent
- fervid
- sizzling
- sultry
- torrid
- white-hot
- glowing
Cold Words List : Cold & Winter Themed Idiomatic Expressions
This is an interesting list of winter-themed idioms that will help you enrich your English and make it twinkle like snow crystals.
1.To break the ice
To start a friendly conversation. To create a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Example sentence: Carmen is great at breaking the ice, she knows how to start conversations with new people.
2. Put something on ice
To delay or stop doing something
The whole project was put on ice because the market is sliding into a depression
3. Black ice
A dangerous very thin layer of ice that is difficult to notice found on roads and sidewalks
Olivia said that the black ice on her street was the cause of 5 motor accidents
4. Snow drift
A deep pile of snow that wind builds up
The huge snowdrift caused the cars to stuck at the entrance to the main road
5. To be snowbound
A situation where someone is stranded or unable to leave a place because of heavy snowfall
The skiers were snowbound at the ski chalet for several days.
6. A snowball’s chance in hell
To have no chance of having something. To be very unlikely to succeed at something
Our football team had a snowball’s chance in hell to win the game
6. In the dead of winter
The middle coldest, darkest part of winter
It was in the dead of winter when Penelope first arrived in London.
7.Cold snap
The sudden arrival of very cold weather
Lucy wasn’t prepared for the cold snap. All of her kids’ coats were still in storage.
8. To be on thin ice
To be in a risky bad situation
If you lose this job you will be on thin ice.
9. Pure as the driven snow
To be innocent and completely pure, often used ironically
He never thought Ruby was pure as the driven snow
10. Hot and cold
To undergo a sudden feeling of fear or worry
Samantha went hot and cold when the phone rang
11. The snowball effect
A situation in which something small keeps growing in importance
His ultimate decision will have a snowball effect on the whole family
12. In the cold light of day
In the morning when things can be seen clearer rather than at night. when you have had time to think calmly
He prefers to think it over in the cold light of day
13. Snowed under
To be overwhelmed. To have more work and responsibilities to deal with
I apologize to you I can’t visit you today since I am completely snowed under with work
14. Tip of the iceberg
only a small part of a much difficult situation or larger problem
Their recent quarrels are just the tip of the iceberg
What is another word for Cold?

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