Best List of Positive Adjectives that Start with H + FREE Printable Poster: 62 + Adjectives that Start with H

Positive Adjectives that Start with H

Positive Adjectives that start with H

Adjectives are words that describe nouns. In English, they usually come before the noun that they are describing. They do not change form to agree with the noun.

Adjectives are usually placed before the noun they describe.

Example: Mark is a busy man

Sometimes, adjectives can be put after a verb such as “be” or ”become.”

Example: The Cake is delicious

List of Adjectives Starting with H: H Words to Describe Someone or Something With Meaning ” Synonyms”

This is a list of adjectives that start with H that indicate something positive.

List of Positive Adjectives that Start with H

  1. Halcyon: auspicious, calm, clear, gentle, hopeful, peaceful, serene, tranquil, prosperous
  2. Hale: able-bodied, comfortable, fit, healthy, hearty, right, robust, sound, vigorous, well, whole
  3. Habitable: livable, Lodgeable, sustainable
  4. Hallowed: beloved, blessed, celestial, divine, holy, sanctified, solemn, sacred, celebrated, consecrated, highly venerated
  5. Handsome: attractive, beauteous, beautiful, bountiful, comely, elegant, fair, fine, gorgeous, graceful, lovely, pretty, noble, magnanimous, stunning, tidy, better-looking, well-proportioned, striking, convenient
  6. Handy: accessible, accommodating, adept physically, adroit, dexterous, easy to use, used by the hand, skillful, many-sided, convenient, versatile
  7. Happening: fashionable, arrival, up-to-date, taking place, lively, busy; phenomenon, dynamic, possibility, proceeding, an event that happens and is particularly interesting or noteworthy, occurring
  8. Happy: fortunate, cheerful, enjoying, animated, joyful, content, easygoing, marked by good luck, favorable, pleasure or satisfaction, festive, felicitous, hopeful, ready, blissful, able, euphoriant, vivacious, cordial
  9. Happy-go-lucky: carefree, fancy-free, easy-going, lighthearted, untroubled, insouciant, taking things easily, blithely unconcerned
  10. Hard-working: industrious, painstaking, diligent, sedulous, characterized by willingness to work hard, active, studious, tireless
  11. Hardy: audacious, able-bodied, courageous, intrepid, brave, bold, hard-bitten, daring, healthy, stout, resilient, firm, sturdy, able to survive under harsh conditions, vigorous, robust
  12. Harmless: benign, safe, not injurious or dangerous, inoffensive, tame, innocent, pardonable, unhurt, weaponless, lily-white, nontoxic, weaponless
  13. Harmonious: amicable, melodious, conformable, musically pleasing, congruous, tuneful, euphonic, having components appropriately or pleasingly combined, compatible, agreeing in feeling or action, graceful, concordant, sweet, consonant, well-proportioned
  14. Harmonizable: reconcilable, compatible, suitable, adaptable, fitting, appropriate, proper
  15. Head: champion, loftiest, greatest in importance or significance, supreme, principal, foremost, administrator, chief, capitulum, commander, master, higher-up, crown, topic
  16. Healing: beneficial, tending to cure, remedial, healing, soothing; restorative; curative, recovery
  17. Healthful: healthy, beneficial, whole, hygienic, well, remedial, sound, free from diseases and filth, sanitary, healing
  18. Healthy: buxom, being in state of good health, hygienic, wholesome, sane, considerable, bouncing, sizable, good financially secure, rubicund
  19. Heartening: cheerful, heartwarming, hopeful, joyful, cheering
  20. Heartfelt: cordial , earnest; sincere, enthusiastic, hearty, devout, genuine, heartwarming, intuitive, wholehearted
  21. Heart-to-heart: frank, plainspoken, candid, straight-out,
  22. Hearty: convivial, complete, energetic, thorough, cheerful, expressed warmly, genial, sincerely, eagerly, kindly, boldly or willingly, fervent, characterized by good strength, health or firmness, vehement , abundant, vigorous, rich, full-blooded
  23. Heavenly: blissful, enchanting, glorious, adorable, delightful, idyllic, stellar, extremely beautiful or gorgeous, sublime, celestial, extremely pleasurable or good, divine
  24. Heedful: alert, mindful, meticulous, attentive, aware, vigilant; watchful, observant, paying or giving close attention, on one’s guard, regardful
  25. Hegemonic ruling; leading, controlling; principal, sceptered, supreme, sovereign, consequential, central, leading, autonomous,mighty,executive, ubstantial, stellar,superior,main, foremost, prevailing, governing, ranking, cardinal, general, preeminent, independent, departmental, Overruling,
  26. Helpful: accommodating, being of service or use, assisting, characterized by willingness to do favors for others, benevolent, useful, friendly, salutary, favorable, beneficial, goodhearted, handy, opportune, philanthropic, subservient, humane, face-saving
  27. Hep: up-to-date, sagacious, aware about latest trends, quick-witted, cool. knowing, careful, astute
  28. Heralded: augured,  widely publicized or announced, pronounced, published, notified, prefigured, anticipated, posted, introduced, declared, called, acclaimed, denoted, promised, betokened
  29. Heroic: brave, bold, great, intrepid, courageous; daring, illustrious, fearless, noble, virtuous, majestic, grand or impressive, dauntless
  30. Heteroclite: weird, eccentric, peculiar, anomalous, heterodox, strange, unusual, divergent, uncommon, exceptional, eccentric, prodigious, odd
  31. Heuristic: investigatory, enabling a person to learn, inquiring, discover or solve something for themselves, catechistic, using experience to discover, improve, learn or solve. fact-finding, 
  32. High: above, happy, cheerful, excited, confident, energetic, ecstatic, elevated, genial, great or greater than normal, optimistic, feeling euphoric or very good, exalted, exceptional, royal, sky-high, towering
  33. High-class: classy, posh, spiffy, elegant, first-class, stylish, superior, cultured, high-quality, fashionable,
  34. Highest: chief, most high, extreme, best, optimal, optimum, approaching a maximum, premier, utmost, sovereign, foremost, leading, uppermost
  35. High-minded: elevated, characterized by elevated and honorable ideals or conduct, high-ranking, cultured, virtuous, magnanimous, principled, refined, noble, conscientious, exalted
  36. High-powered: having great energy or power; dynamic; energetic. celebrated, estimable, important, passionate
  37. High-priority: crucial, something that is very important or essential to gain or do in the near future; pressing, urgent, conclusive, all-important, vital, determinative, momentous, decisive, pivotal
  38. High-reaching: alpine, ambitious; aspiring; reaching to upward or great height, up-and-coming, tall
  39. High-spirited: active, courageous, effervescent, lively, exuberant, vivacious, lighthearted, bold; cheerfully unrestrained, intriguing, enthusiastic, daring
  40. Hilarious extremely funny, jovial, mirthful, glad, merry, humorous, jolly, amusing,
  41. Hip: alert, au courant, aware and knowledgeable of about the latest trends, in vogue, stylish, sagacious, fashionable, aware, avant-garde
  42. Holiday: convivial, event, leisure, festive, inactivity, time off, recess, recreation, vacation, fete
  43. Holistic: complete, whole, all-inclusive, full-grown, complete, full-fledged, global, new age, gross, full-scale, entire, united, conclusive, sum
  44. Holy: blessed, heavenly, worthy of veneration or worship, pious, sacred; divine. angelic, righteous, sublime, sinless
  45. Homely: comfy, cozy, domestic, comfortable. common, humble, quiet, rustic, plain, ordinary
  46. Honest: sincere, credible, frank, decent, respectable, faithful, authentic, just, truthful, loyal, suitable, becoming, genuine, serious, virtuous, reliable
  47. Honeyed: sweetened; sweet; sugary; syrupy, gold/golden, pleasing to the senses, odorous, sweet and rich in smell or taste; soft and soothing
  48. Honorary: holding a title, honorific, titular, respected by good deeds, nominal
  49. Honorable: clean, worthy of respect or honor; high-minded; reputable, decent, exemplary, ethical, gallant, high-ranking, noble, trustworthy
  50. Honored: reputable, highly respected or admired, distinguished, estimable, privileged
  51. Hopeful: ambitious, believable, manifesting hope, bright, expecting some pleasant fulfillment, desirous, expectant, inspiring or feeling optimism or success about a future event, promising, auspicious, wishful, rose-colored, propitious
  52. Hortative: encouraging, educational, exhortative, advisory, expository, enlightening, moral, instructive, Sermonic, pedagogic, teacherly, moralizing, academic
  53. Hospitable: obliging, generous or favorable towards quests; open-minded; receptive, sociable, well-mannered, neighborly, gracious, cordial, courteous,
  54. Hot: adept, exciting, adorable, energized or charged, amorous, very skillful or knowledgeable, burning, desirous eager, spicy; arousing; sexual, excited, passionate, ardent, fresh, enthusiastic, fervent/fervid, horny, hot-blooded, passionate, vehement, , aroused, active
  55. Hotshot: adept, self-confident and successful, gifted, highly talented, foremost, professional
  56. Huggy caring and sensitive; affectionate physically.
  57. Humane: altruistic,  characterized by compassion and kindness, benevolent, exalting, forbearing, civilized or moral, forgiving, humanitarian, kind-hearted, compassionate, philanthropic, fraternal, mild, tolerant, sparing
  58. Hygienic: antiseptic, clean, good, healthful/healthy, healthsome, sanitary, spotless, sterile, wholesome
  59. Hyped: addicted, advance, advertise, aggrandize, assist, build up, cry, help, lobby, overdo
  60. Hypersonic: quick, agile, active, pronto, snapper, racing, nimble, hurried, hasty, brisk, velocious, speedball, flashing, rapid 
  61. Hypnotic: magnetic, sleepy, sleep-inducing, soothing, opium, somnifacient, sedative, narcotic, nodding
  62. Hysterical: agitated, crazed, delirious , demented, insane, nervous, violent, wild, mentally ill, psychopathic personality

H Words to Describe Someone : Positive Adjectives With H to Describe a Person

Positive Adjectives With H Phonetic TranscriptionSynonymExample Sentence
hardworking [ hˈɑːdwɜːkɪŋ], [ hˈɑːdwɜːkɪŋ]industrious, painstaking, diligent, sedulous, characterized by willingness to work hard, active, studious, tireless Michelle is a very hard-working and smart businesswoman.
hearty [ hˈɑːti], [ hˈɑːti]able-bodied, convivial, complete, energetic, thorough, cheerful, expressed warmly, genial, sincerely, eagerly, kindly, boldly or willingly, fervent, characterized by good strength, health or firmness, vehement
  • , abundant, vigorous, rich, full-blooded
  • James is a hearty and intrepid character
    harmless [ hˈɑːmləs], [ hˈɑːmləs]benign, safe, not injurious or dangerous, inoffensive, tame, innocent, pardonable, unhurt, weaponless, lily-white, nontoxic, weaponless Most people considered Wilson a harmless eccentric.
    hip [ hˈɪp], [ hˈɪp]alert, au courant, aware and knowledgeable of about the latest trends, in vogue, stylish, sagacious, fashionable, aware, avant-garde She is a hip young character with comely tight-cropped brown hair and stylish glasses.
    helpful [ hˈɛlpfə͡l], [ hˈɛlpfə‍l]accommodating, being of service or use, assisting, characterized by willingness to do favors for others, benevolent, useful, friendly, salutary, favorable, beneficial, goodhearted, handy, opportune, philanthropic, subservient, humane, face-saving The secretary was very helpful in preparing the manuscript.

    List of Positive Adjectives that start with H: Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

    Positive Adjectives With H Phonetic Transcription Synonym Example Sentence
    historic [ hɪstˈɒɹɪk], [ hɪstˈɒɹɪk]emblematic, eventful, important, memorable, momentous, momentous, remarkable, monumental, time-honored, traditional, unforgettable, heroicMany historic sites are under the care of UNESCO.
    habitable [ hˈabɪtəbə͡l], [ hˈabɪtəbə‍l]livable, sustainable, tenantable, lodgeable, suitable or good enough for living in The big house in the wood is no longer habitable.
    holy [ hˈə͡ʊli], [ hˈə‍ʊli]blessed, heavenly, worthy of veneration or worship, pious, sacred; divine. angelic, righteous, sublime, sinless The expedition set off for the journey to the Holy Land.
    harmonious [ hɑːmˈə͡ʊnɪəs], [ hɑːmˈə‍ʊnɪəs]amicable, melodious, conformable, musically pleasing, congruous, tuneful, euphonic, having components appropriately or pleasingly combined, compatible, agreeing in feeling or action, graceful, concordant, sweet, consonant, well-proportioned They live in a harmonious village.
    hospitable [ hɒspˈɪtəbə͡l], [ hɒspˈɪtəbə‍l]pleasant and favorable for living in The African Sahara is one of the world’s least hospitable regions in the world.

    Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

    Positive Adjectives With H Phonetic Transcription Synonym Example Sentence
    hallowed [ hˈalə͡ʊd], [ hˈalə‍ʊd]beloved, blessed, celestial, divine, holy, sanctified, solemn, sacred, celebrated, consecrated, highly venerated Ramadan is the hallowed month for Muslims.
    halcyon [ hˈalsɪən], [ hˈalsɪən]auspicious, calm, clear, gentle, hopeful, peaceful, serene, tranquil, prosperous Rebecca often recalled the halcyon days of her youth.
    heady [ hˈɛdi], [ hˈɛdi]exciting, exhilarated, odorous, perspicacious, provocative, racy, sagacious, strong Both of them missed the heady days just after their marriage.
    heartening [ hˈɑːtənɪŋ], [ hˈɑːtənɪŋ]cheerful, heartwarming, hopeful, joyful, cheering His victory was a heartening event in his life.
    happy [ hˈapi], [ hˈapi]fortunate, cheerful, enjoying, animated, joyful, content, easygoing, marked by good luck Mr. and Mrs. Robins have a very happy marriage.

    Adjectives Starting with H | Infographic Printable Poster


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