Yellow Fruits: List of 40+ Yellow Fruits & Vegetables with FREE ESL Printable Posters to Download

yellow fruits

Yellow Fruits: List of 40+ Yellow Fruits & Vegetables with FREE ESL Posters

Among the most popular yellow fruits, we can mention:

  1. Apricot
  2. Avocado
  3. Banana
  4. Corn
  5. Durian
  6. Eggfruit “Canistel “
  7. Ginger
  8. Ginseng
  9. Golden kiwi
  10. Golden Raspberry fruit
  11. Jackfruit
  12. Mango
  13. Melon
  14. Mirabelle plum
  15. Lemon
  16. Orange
  17. Papaya
  18. Passion fruit
  19. Pineapple
  20. prickly pear
  21. Pumpkin
  22. small yellow fruit: Loquats
  23. Star fruit
  24. Summer squash
  25. Winter squash
  26. Yellow apple
  27. Yellow beetroot
  28. Yellow bell pepper
  29. Yellow cherry
  30. Yellow chilli
  31. Yellow dragon fruit
  32. Yellow fig
  33. yellow grapes
  34. yellow grapefruit
  35. yellow guava
  36. yellow nectarine
  37. yellow peach
  38. Yellow Pear
  39. yellow plum
  40. Yellow potato
  41. Yellow tomato
  42. Yellow watermelon
  43. Yellow zucchini

Yellow Fruits & Vegetables with Example Sentences:

Names of Yellow FruitsExample Sentences
ApricotShe brushes the top of her cake with some apricot jam.
AvocadoI will make a healthy tomato and Avocado salad for brunch.
BananaDon’t buy green bananas as they are not ripe enough to eat.
CornCorn starch is mostly used as a thickener in sauces and stews.
DurianMy aunty Laura does not like the taste of durian.
EggfruitThe canistel tree grows up to 10 ft high, and produces orange-yellow Eggfruit,
GingerRoot ginger is a common spice that has been used medicinally for centuries.
Ginseng  Ginseng is a strong herbal root that is generally known for its tonic properties.
Golden KiwiMy Daughter decorated the cake with slices of golden kiwi and a sprig of mint.
Golden Raspberry FruitThe cook spreads the toast thinly with golden raspberry and vanilla cream.
JackfruitMy cousin had a big jackfruit tree on her front lawn.
MangoThe mango that Mrs. Smith bought yesterday tasted divine.
Melonher mother taught her how to peel the melon and slice its flesh.
Mirabelle PlumThe Mirabelle plum season is about to begin.
LemonMy mother loves to flavor her creams with lemon extract.
OrangeI love adding orange zest to my coffee.
PapayaHe blends raw papaya fruit with lemon to make a delicious juice.
Passion FruitPassion fruit is a small, round, brown fruit that is produced by certain types of tropical flowers.
PineappleNatasha Loves eating the sweet pineapple icecream
Prickly pearThe Prickly pear cactuses grew in a hard rocky land.
PumpkinPumpkin pie is a traditional American dish that people serve on Thanksgiving.
small yellow fruit: Loquats The small yellow fruit of the loquat has a soft pulp on the inside with a sweet succulent acid flavor.
Star fruit Star fruit is high in vitamin C. Its tree can reach 25 feet in tropical areas.
Summer squash Summer squashes come in all shapes and sizes. Most of them have tender smooth skins.
Winter squash  You nedd to cook winter squash as it should not be eaten raw.
Yellow apple The yellow apple trees in my backyard are in full blossom now.
Yellow beetroot yellow beetroot are as healthy as red beets.
Yellow bell pepper yellow bell peppers are expensive as they take more time to ripen.
Yellow cherry Yellow cherries have a sinfully sweet flavor.
Yellow chili I can taste the yellow chilli in the soup but it is a little sweet.
Yellow dragon fruit  Dragon fruit grows on a climbing cactus found in tropical regions around the world.
Yellow fig Yellow Figs are known by their great mouth-watering flavors.
yellow grapes These yellow grapes are delicious but very seedy.
yellow guava The yellow guava is rich in fiber the fact that helps preventing constipation
yellow nectarine Yellow nctarine is a kind of fruit that looks like a peach and has a smooth skin.
yellow peach Yellow peach and orange juice is my favorite.
Yellow Pear The yellow pear tree in our front yard bowed down with the weight of its fruit.
yellow plum The yellow plum season is about to begin.
Yellow potato Yellow potato is the most popular vegetable in this village.
Yellow tomato The sudden drop in temperature frosted the yellow tomato plants.
Yellow watermelon They usually cultivate maize and yellow watermelons in their land.
Yellow zucchini Beverely added some yellow zucchini and squash to her delicious soup.
Yellow Fruits & Vegetables

Yellow Fruits Free Printables

yellow fruits
yellow fruits & vegetebles


names of yellow fruits
names of yellow fruits


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